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Beware CEOs who golf too much

CEOs who play too much golf are associated with firms that have lower operating performance and firm values. Lower equity-based incentives are associated with CEOs consuming more leisure. Boards are more likely to replace CEOs who shirk… Implications?

→ More equity pay
→ Stronger governance
→ CEOs need to concentrate on running the company (potentially implications on over-boarding) and not playing golf ?!

To summarize… the amount of leisure CEOs consume is a function of their economic incentives, and that some CEOs shirk their responsibilities to the detriment of firm performance and value..

“Using golf play as a measure of leisure, we document that there is significant variation in the amount of leisure that CEOs consume. We find that they consume more leisure when they have lower equity-based incentives. CEOs that golf frequently (i.e., those in the top quartile of golf play, who play at least 22 rounds per year) are associated with firms that have lower operating performance and firm values. Numerous tests accounting for the possible endogenous nature of these relations support a conclusion that CEO shirking causes lower firm performance. We find that boards are more likely to replace CEOs who shirk, but CEOs with longer tenures or weaker governance environments appear to avoid disciplinary consequences.”

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