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Clinton. Blair. Transcript on Diana's Death.

Source: Clinton Foundation

On hearing about Princess Diana’s death. President = Bill Clinton. Prime Minister = Tony Blair. September 1, 1997, 11:29 -11:54 am (US ET) Confidential words redacted.  Papers can be seen from Clinton Foundation here. Clinton is calling from Martha's Vineyard.

The President: Tony?

Prime Minister Blair: Hi, Bill. It's a grim business, a very grim business.  

The President: It's awful, it's really awful. We're up here on Martha's Vineyard vacationing, and we're with a lot of people who knew her.

Prime Minister Blair: We saw her again just weeks ago when we hosted her for lunch with Prince William, he's a great kid. ~

The President: Yeah, I worry a lot about those kids now.

Prime Minister Blair: She was such a rock of stability in the sense she connected them with the outside world. The eldest boy, William, is quite like her in a way, he is very "feet on the ground," he does things kids his age do.

The President: Well, I just feel so bad for her. She was just basically getting a hold of her life. ~

Prime Minister Blair: Thanks for your telegram yesterday and your kind words. The problem was the way she lived, in a press frenzy. It's impossible to contemplate how intrusive it was, into every single aspect of her life. The last time I spoke with her, she said that were it not for the boys, she'd be off the board. The country is stunned.

The President: They liked her a lot, didn't they. ~

Prime Minister Blair: She was not the royal family but she was liked by ordinary people, it gave her problems with the royal establishment.

The President: Well, I know it's a difficult time for you. just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

Blair: I will personally miss her, it's like star falling. She was a star for them.

The President: What do they know? Is the British security guard who was with her still alive?

Prime Minister Blair: Yes, he is. And he may be able to offer some more information. There has been some talk this afternoon. They went to the hotel and thought they would be left alone. The Embassy and the French government did not know they were there. The media turned up, they decided to go to dinner then on to one of al-Fayed's houses. When they got to their car, it did not start. They called someone from the hotel and the hotel provided a car and driver. Apparently he'd been drinking.

President: That's what I was afraid of. Those guys were chasing them?

Prime Minister Blair: Jumped on them as they left the hotel, yet I can't believe some of the reports of how fast they were going though. It's just not possible they were going 100 mph I mean, I know Paris. They wouldn't have to be going that fast in those tunnels, though. They must have hit a rim in the road and turned over and smashed into a wall.

The President: It's a sad thing, I tell you. ~

Prime Minister Blair: Yes, someone we knew and liked. She had a remarkable gift. She was beginning to get her life together.

The President: Yes, Hillary had a nice visit with her a few weeks ago when she was here.  We liked her a lot. ... anything you can do for I just think those boys, I don't know how a situation like this, about the challenges they will face. ~

Prime Minister Blair: I'll try to keep in touch and have them over.

The President: What about her sisters? What are they like?[ Redacted]

Hillary and I just wanted to tell you all we were thinking of you.

Prime Minister Blair: Your words yesterday were greatly appreciated. Thank you. So you are on holiday now?

The President: I'm having a good holiday. It's the longest vacation we have had in ten years. We're getting ready to send Chelsea: off to university.

Prime Minister Blair: Are you looking forward to that?

The President: She is, but that's all part of it, it's what you raise them for...

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