Sweden immigration integration

Speed and size of immigration has real world social integration impacts in Sweden. A story I was told: after one refugee crisis, some refugees ended up in Sweden, some in Minneapolis, US.

(From chatting to a handful of Swedes)

The narrative I heard was that the refugees in Minneapolis (on average) have integrated better (in a shorter time) as more of them had to seek jobs and employment helps social integration (although given time, integration and jobs can be achieved in Sweden).  Whereas the refugees in Sweden didn't find / weren't forced to seek jobs under the same type of pressure  - This recalls to me psycho-social studies that show working together in increases harmony (esp re: race) - a whole set of studies and questions found here at the Oxford Centre for Intergroup Conflict.


It is also anecdotal evidence in support of a job guarantee policy idea as suggested in a paper by James Montier (see GMO site) and by the left libertarian mmt economist Bill Mitchell (see Bill’s blog, with comprehensive left libertarian economic thinking, an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory).


This idea is potentially stronger than universal basic income because a job gives you skills (both intangible, and measurable)  and experiences plus can promote social harmony.  Still, there did seem to be broad hope that given time, the new Swedish immigrants will also integrate. The newly arrived need to learn the skills, language etc. to help them find jobs - there are seemingly many who arrive unable to read/write well and that’s a problem.  

The anecdotes I heard were not studies. I found a study here and an in depth reporting here on the issues, the two pieces did seem to align broadly with what I heard, suggesting some Swedes at least are abreast of the issues.

If you'd like to feel inspired by commencement addresses and life lessons try: Ursula K Le Guin on literature as an operating manual for life;  Neil Gaiman on making wonderful, fabulous, brilliant mistakes; or Nassim Taleb's commencement address; or JK Rowling on the benefits of failure.  Or Charlie Munger on always inverting.


Cross fertilise.  On investing try a thought on stock valuations.  Or Ray Dalio on populism and risk.  You can also click on the Carbon tag below. 


A lesson from autism here.

Jobs. Diversity. Sustainability. Arts

Quick hit jobs that have caught my eye. Job links of interest in sustainability / finance / art / healthcare.

CAS - Chinese Arts Space - looking for a new Artistic Director.  

GSK - new pension fund manager

Anglia Ruskin / Global Sustainability Institute (GSI)  are looking for a new research fellow  https://www24.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_angliaruskin01.asp?newms=jj&id=68960&aid=14138

Barclays - Diversity  https://barclays.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=90130511&lang=en_GB&src=JB-14940

Towers Watson - ESG/RI sustainable investment consultant

Goldman Sachs - Sustainable supply chain

Unicorn theatre - Stage manager Xmas show

Natural History Museum - dinosaur brain imaging!  http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/arts-job/post/postdoctoral-researcher-dinosaur-cranial-imaging/

Asst Curator - design museum (30 Oct) - http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/arts-job/post/assistant-curator-66/


Couple senior leadership positions at Arts Council - including Head of Museums, http://gs12.globalsuccessor.com/fe/tpl_arts_council01.asp?newms=jj&id=88234&aid=16034

IntoArt looking for  Assistant Artist Facilitator is a new and exciting role for someone with a visual arts background looking to work in an inclusive art studio setting working with people with learning disabilities. (Initial 12 weekly studio based art workshops, January – March 2018)  Intoart is an art and design studio based in London working inclusively with people with learning disabilities. 

(from 14 Oct, deadlines may have passed)


Albany Theatre (Deptford/London) looking for creative programmer
Tate are looking for an Information Manager  

Photographer, filmmaker Briony Campbellis looking for multi-talented assistants. She wants superwomen if you ask me, but might suit some freelancers.  

Eclipse/Slate: If you’re a BAME artist working in any form or medium, currently based in the North of England, and you have an idea or a project you’re ready to get off the ground – this is for you.