Frequent Production equals successful internet production

I’ve managed for the last 2 years or so a fairly consistent 2x a month newsletter. It would be net better if I was 1x a week (although there’s slightly higher churn for those who don’t like quite so much email / newsletters), and I don’t advertise it and there’s almost 1,000 subscribers now - mostly friends and contacts. My blog has been at about 1x -3x per week and backs up the newsletter.

I think I’ve understood this central lesson

“... successful internet production is frequent production. …” this is what you see in Instagram and other social media.  Relevant, thoughtful and authentic helps but frequent production is the crucial component.

Tyler Cowen - who is one of the most frequent and well read economics blogs of all time - expressed that view and he applied it to what Magnus Carlssen is doing to on-line chess. Cowen himself is one of the most prolific bloggers alongside being well read.

Scott Alexander had done the same with his Star Slate Codex blog, before he took it down in a problem with the NY Times  potentially exposing him in a friendly article. 

I think it’s also part of Elon Musk’s genius.

It’s not necessarily that same for all types of production - I’m not sure live theatre is the same, but as more events move on-line, it’s something I am dwelling on.

Tyler on Chess:

Scott Alexander on deleting his blog: