Political philosopher Rebecca Lowe discusses her views on freedom, equality, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies. Currently writing a book titled 'Freedom in Utopia,' Rebecca delves into philosophical debates concerning obligations to extinct animals, the ethics of eating meat, and the future potential of lab-grown meat.
On questioning norms and making choices:
“Think hard about what the norms are that you follow unthinkingly. There are many ways to live a good life, and it’s for you to work that out for yourself, because you’re the only person who can have any epistemic access to that.”
On fiction and its philosophical role:
“I feel quite strongly that people who don’t spend time reading fiction are really missing out on one of the great things about being human—the capacity to separate out from your daily life, think about other worlds, imagine.”
She also touches on the moral considerations surrounding artificial wombs, the possible role of ChatGPT as a tool for philosophical inquiry, and her disillusioning experience running for political office. Rebecca emphasizes the importance of decentralization, freedom, and respect in society while also sharing her creative process and insights into leading a fulfilling life.
Summary contents, transcript and podcast links below. Listen onApple,Spotify or whereveryou listen to pods. Video above or on Youtube.
00:22 Reviving Extinct Animals
02:29 Moral Implications of Eating Meat
07:47 Future Moral Consensus
11:25 Consequentialism in Healthcare
19:21 ChatGPT as a Philosopher
25:28 Artificial Wombs and Ethical Questions
30:33 Rebecca's Political Journey
34:43 Creative Process and Philosophy
37:50 The Importance of Reading Fiction
41:03 Imagining the Best Possible Society
42:19 The Role of Prisons in Utopia
46:01 Education in an Ideal Society
49:05 Cultural Goods and Utopia
52:18 Healthcare and Resource Allocation
55:11 Under rated / Over rated
58:55 Final Thoughts and Advice
Transcript (This is AI assisted, so mistakes are possible)
[00:00:00] Ben: Hey everyone, I'm super excited to be speaking to Rebecca Lowe. Rebecca is a political philosopher. She has a particular interest in rights, freedom, and equality, and she's currently writing a book called Freedom in Utopia, in which she thinks about freedom in the best possible society. Rebecca, welcome.
[00:00:19] Rebecca: Hi Ben, thanks for having me, great to be here.
[00:00:22] Ben: Would the best possible society look to revive the woolly mammoth?
[00:00:28] Rebecca: Do you know, actually, I've been for ages wanting to write something about our obligations to extinct animals. I think there are some really interesting arguments to be made about this when that technology becomes possible.
I don't know enough about the science. I need to, I've got some scientist friends I should ask. Maybe it already is possible. I'm aware, I think some philosophers are writing about this. I haven't actually read that stuff, and I should. But I have this general interest in things like how the demands of morality change when new things become possible.
What are our new requirements? What's permissible? And it does strike me that in that it seems like we have obligations to prevent current animals going extinct. When it's possible to bring back previously current animals, what do our obligations lie? I also just think a load of those animals that are dead are really cool.
I'm probably the stupid person who would want Jurassic Park to happen. So yeah, would it have woolly mammoths? I hope so.
[00:01:22] Ben: So there are a couple of current projects actually coming out of long now and brand stinking. So there is a project to revive the woolly mammoth and they think they can do it.
But as a stepping stone to that, they actually have revived extinct species of a particular tree. So it's a first step for plants, which they think also might be. Might be positive but there's a kind of techno optimist critique in here somewhere because there's some thinking that the woolly mammoth Might be able to help I think the tundra for instance the tundra in siberia where historically they may have helped with things like that potentially going too far but there is some thought on that I might be a little
[00:01:59] Rebecca: anxious if the reasoning was, to instrumentalize it.
I'm not sure if the tundra You know, the Tundra argument would count as that, or if, I'm sure people would come up with parallel arguments anyway, but I think I might be a little anxious if a large part of the thrust for bringing back a creature was to use the creature for some some particular end, but that's probably just me overthinking.
[00:02:21] Ben: Yeah, no, I think that is one of the critiques that some do, but then I think not everyone involved in the project puts that much weight on it. Obviously other people have different things. I think one of my moral failings is the fact that I still eat animals. I eat less now than I have ever done, but I still do.
I'm hopeful that lab grown animals like lab grown diamonds will be a future replacement. And I do wonder in a hundred or 200 years, we might view eating meat a little bit like slavery is why on earth did we do that in terms of social or moral progress? However, today, when I am presented with animal, I find it's actually respectful to eat any part of the animal given to me, bone marrow, eyeballs, liver, I will actually eat everything.
And I was reading some of your work, which actually had this idea of whether there was respect or not within lab grown meat. Or things. But in any event, do you think eating animals is actually disrespectful like that? And what are your hopes for lab grown meat? Is there some moral qualm about it, which I perhaps might not have considered as a substitute for the meat eating I do today?
[00:03:30] Rebecca: Yeah, I'm a big meat eater. I eat the I eat the marrow and the liver. Haven't eaten the eyeballs. I've probably, have I tried the eyeballs? Maybe. I love eating meat. I tried to give up eating meat. I managed for a few months last year. I have to say I managed by just eating all of the seafood.
Which slightly fails. I just like meat too much. I came to the conclusion there are too many more steaks I want to eat. But that's a failing as far as I see it. I think it's bad to eat meat. And the main reason I think it's bad to eat meat is this respect point that you're bringing up.
So in other words, I think even if all of the animals you ate had the best possible life and the best possible death, found some way to kill them without suffering, found some way to, eat them at the end point of their natural lifespan. However you want to cash it out, I still think it would be wrong to eat them.
The reason is that I think it's disrespectful to eat the dead body of a once living creature. I think most people hold that view pretty naturally around human bodies. That's why you feel You know, uncomfortable walking over a grave or, someone playing with the bones of a skeleton. I think we should afford a similar respect to the dead bodies of animals and, we're not just talking about playing with it, we're talking about consuming it.
And what's more, we do it, at least nowadays, for our pleasure. There are plenty of alternatives. Back in the day when there weren't, or if you're living in a place where there aren't sufficient non meat alternatives, I think that's different. I think if you eat the dead body of an animal, because you need to then I think you've got a load more arguments at your disposal.
But for my [00:05:00] pleasure, because I think it's delicious, when I could be eating something else that's delicious, so I can't even depend on some aesthetic argument. I think it's bad and wrong, but I'm, I'm human. I fail. Do
[00:05:12] Ben: you put any weight on the environmental arguments?
[00:05:15] Rebecca: Yeah, I think there's a whole subset
[00:05:16] Ben: of the different, yeah, 100%.
[00:05:17] Rebecca: It's another sufficient argument, probably. For me, the sufficient argument that holds the most weight is the respect argument. I think for me, a lot of my views around how we should treat each other as humans, but also treat the other living things in our world come down to this point about, basic equal moral respect, something like that.
That's at the heart of my kind of, libertarianism or liberalism, whatever you want to call it.
[00:05:40] Ben: And that respect doesn't need to transfer to lab grown meat.
[00:05:44] Rebecca: Yeah, so I've written a thing actually, which I think I pretty much still hold, which is for a long time, I thought that the answer to my problem, which is I really love eating meat, I love cooking meat, my favorite thing to cook is meat, I'm one of these people who go to the butcher shop and, get the cool cut and I'll read loads of stuff about how to cook it, and I'll enjoy cooking it, and, all of those things but I think it's wrong, so that's a Problem, how do I reconcile that?
I thought for a long time, hey, sooner or later, lab grown needs are going to come along and I can, when it's good enough, I won't just You know, gain the kind of the taste sensation and the the texture sensation. I also gain the aesthetic and intellectual value of cooking it and all of those other things, giving it to my friends, the kind of the creative aspect too, I love all that stuff.
I think the problem for me is though that I feel like it would still be disrespectful to the kind of animal it replicates. We're not talking about creating a steak that doesn't look like a steak or doesn't taste like a steak. The whole point is that it's a as near to perfect simulation. And I make an analogy in my little piece I wrote, which I wrote for Eon, which if you're into philosophy, you should read some of these articles.
That's for your listeners. I make a kind of an analogy with video games where you're, um, imagine you had a video game and the aim of the video game was to beat up and otherwise abuse women. There's loads of arguments why you might think that's got sort of moral problems. One is it's bad for you to do bad stuff.
Another argument, however, is that it's disrespectful to womankind. And it doesn't have to be that, the particular instance of the woman is a real woman because the whole point is, it's not, it's a simulation. And I think you can apply the same argument to eating, the simulated beef steak.
It's disrespectful to beef kind to cows. That's, I think that's probably my position, but as as I've just admitted, I eat the actual meat, so it's going to be a little bit less bad, good times,
[00:07:47] Ben: right? Are there any things today, which in a hundred or two hundred years time, you think we might have consensus on it being a moral wrongness?
So I, I wonder whether meat eating, except for some more narrow cultural things, might be there. And it's interesting we progressed, I think there's moral consensus. Slavery was bad and wrong, and then we had women's rights, arguably we had minority and disability, other rights, which we've had a growing consensus that, okay, that it was morally wrong not to have those rights but in the moment, it's quite hard to judge, you go back to, say, 1500 or certainly 2000 years ago, I think it would have been very, it was quite hard for a lot of them to feel like, okay, slavery was there, aside from maybe some religious thinkers, which is interesting, but is there anything you spot today where you go oh, I really think this is on the chopping block?
[00:08:35] Rebecca: There's kind of two parts to this, aren't there? One is, which is the thing I feel a little more confident maybe saying some things about something like, what are the things in our world that are bad and wrong? The second is a kind of prediction type question and it's, about epistemic capacity.
Are the people in 100 years time gonna have the capacity to know that thing was wrong? As you say, there's all kinds of considerations, maybe people are going to be far more stupid in the future. Maybe people, they'll have been in nuclear war and people will live in silos so they won't gain the advantage of talking to each other.
And I can't make predictions about that. But a couple of things My, my assumption is, so one of them is definitely the eating meat thing. How we treat insects? I don't know if this is just me, but all my life I've been, I don't think even, I'm not even sure what the word for it is.
I remember when I was a kid seeing people, clasping and killing mosquitoes. I remember my uncle, so I'm just going to be nasty about my uncle now had one of those little electric fly zapper things and I just don't get the, I just don't get it when people, I understand if you're in a hotel room with a mosquito in a country where you might catch one of the, Zika virus or something, I'm not really going to have a problem with you killing the mosquito.
I still think you're doing something problematic. If I can get the mosquito out the window, believe me, I've spent time in my life trying to get the mosquito out the window. Killing the mosquito is something I will do, but yeah. I'm, the idea that you just kill the spider, and not just kill the spider, but have fun, enjoy killing the spider, I just find it [00:10:00] morally, I find it morally repulsive, but I also just, I feel like I'm just on some other wavelength or something.
I just don't understand the mentality there. So the cavalier way in which people treat insects. I find astonishing and it doesn't mean I think you've got to go along, with a little brush and glasses looking at all of the, the speech ahead of you. I'm talking about voluntary intentional destruction, enjoyment in the destruction of a living thing.
I find this incomprehensible and I hope, I can only hope the people in the future look back and discuss.
[00:10:34] Ben: That's really interesting. That's the kind of respect for living things idea. I find that interesting because you argue against consequentialist ideas in your sub stack. So this is the typical utilitarian thinking about the ends justify the means and the like.
And it's interesting because actually a lot of. Say effective altruist utilitarians have ended up being taking this position on meat and actually they do a lot of work on insects And particularly prawns and things like that, which other people find a little bit odd It's oh, why are they paying attention to this?
and they would make arguments that Prawns or insects have a little bit of value and therefore they make this value based argument and they come to it from that side of the argument. So I find it's really interesting that you've also come to it from a respect and principles way of doing that.
But I'm also interested in generally your take about why you feel so awkward around these consequential ideas. And I'd be interested In particularly placing it in typical cost benefit policy decision making and what you make of that in typical political decision a political economy decision and one thing that I think about and I throw to philosophers was within Healthcare economics or as I've noted that one of your parents is also medical ethics So I thought maybe you'd have a really interesting view on this but for instance in the UK, but really under any healthcare constrained budget, they make these decisions, and this is a live one, where they try and compare the cost of saving, say, a preterm baby with, say, a diabetic, and although it's quite flawed, you can get a rough consensus on what they call these quality adjusted life qualities, how much
[00:12:11] Rebecca: qualities.
[00:12:11] Ben: Yeah, how much is or a disabled adjusted life here, but essentially they're putting a value on life and they're putting it under this constraint of budget, although it's a statistical thing to help them make those decisions. And I actually think it comes from road pricing initially, interestingly, economically speaking, but so they'll go something like.
It costs maybe half a million to save a preterm baby, and it costs about twenty to thirty thousand pounds to save a diabetic in terms of a year life. And if you just do a pure utilitarian calculation you tend not to make that decision. If you survey people, they actually will say, no, I think that I think we should spend some money on babies.
And it's interesting, different types of people are differently on that spectrum. Interestingly doctors themselves tend to be a little bit more utilitarian than just the average sample of the. Woman in the street, but I'm interested faced with that sort of decision. How do you think?
Philosophy helps think about it or in particularly you're thinking of philosophy. Is that something where you think you might have some insights?
[00:13:14] Rebecca: That's a big question. Where to start I think one thing I'd say is, I'm with I'm not a Kantian I don't even know very much about Kant But one thing I think he's right on is that autumn fires can you don't have obligations that you It doesn't make sense to say you've got an obligation to do something if you can't.
When you're talking about things like healthcare, you have resource constraints. And while we continue to have resource constraints, we have to make difficult decisions at the margin. We have to You know, way up where the next pound is spent. So it's hard to give a clear answer if you're not going to depend upon some kind of equation in which you're, assigning costs and values to different kinds of lives or to different like if somebody is, if it's more expensive to save somebody's life than someone else's life, how do you deal with that?
I think you're right that. There's got to be some space for costing stuff out and whether that comes from road pricing or, insurance and people and actuaries have to be able to find some way to translate what it means in financial terms when someone dies or someone doesn't die or someone suffers an injury.
I understand that. And to some extent that's going to have just, market considerations at its heart. I think for me, a starting point I would use. would be something like urgent need I don't think it can only be what is the, the value in that sense that's assigned to the life, I think it's also what is the situation in which the person finds themselves whether that means that then you preference something like queuing for an allocation thing, so you and I have the same injury, but I get to the hospital first you and I get to the hospital at the same time, but I'm more likely to die.
Those generally are a kind of first place consideration, and my limited understanding about. Allocation of [00:15:00] resources in health care decision making it's rarely that you started it from the point of, hey, you tick these boxes, I tick these boxes, therefore I get priority.
That's the kind of fourth order matter is my understanding in terms of triaging that maybe I'm wrong on that. I'm not sure I have much of a better answer, except that my general position for two reasons is that consequentialism, consequentialist reasoning I think is bad and wrong. The main reason is I think it.
It not only allows or permits, it also sometimes demands certain behaviors which are morally repugnant. I also think you can't do a little bit of consequentialist reasoning. That's a relatively controversial view. I'm with someone like Stuart Hampshire on this. I don't think you can do pick and mix.
You can't be like, hey, for this policy problem, I'm going to do some consequentialist reasoning. That's not to say you can't say something like, hey, that argument Ben just made is a consequentialist argument. I'm just saying that you, qua Ben, can't be a little bit of a consequentialist. You're either a consequentialist or you're not.
It's a totalizing moral theory. You can't jam it together with some other theory. They're not coherent. So I'm saying one thing about, what you're disposition, your belief system is, and one, one thing about what counts as a moral theory or what counts as the kind of grounds on which you justify an argument so generally speaking, this comes back to something we were just talking about before around, overdetermination, so having different arguments for, to come to the same conclusion I think it's often the case that you and I can come to the same conclusion using different arguments.
For me, it's never going to be the case that one of those arguments is a good argument if it's a consequentialist argument. Doesn't mean we can't come to the same place. So I can come to the point in which I think you shouldn't, clap and laugh at killing the mosquito on my, right space pluralist liberal approach, and my friend the consequentialist can come to that purely, on the outcome, teleological and justifying the means position.
I'm just going to say, hey, that's a bad argument. You got to the right place. They don't get a monopoly on the endpoints. Sorry, I'm I don't have a good answer to the QALYs question except I'm deeply skeptical of assigning value in a bigger sense for lives. Yeah. I practically understand the requirement around costing stuff out.
Of course, that's the case in a world of limited resources, and healthcare resources are incredibly important. What I don't agree with are claims like, because this beta sounds down syndrome, therefore it's less. It has less moral value, that life, than the fetus without Down syndrome. Similarly, the person who's 86 has less value in this deeper sense than the person who's 17.
I'm just 100 percent not going to agree with that. And it's not just I'm going to disagree with it. I'm going to think it's revolting. Yeah.
[00:17:46] Ben: That's interesting. There's a few things I find really interesting in those comments. If you add ask the average person, they do have this sense of what's fair and what's not.
So if you're born with, say, a rare genetic disease, but it's really expensive to treat, there is a sense that money shouldn't have been the stumbling block for treating some of those, even that it will take from, some others that you will end up having to just do a little bit of everything, knowing that you can't do.
do everything. And then the other bit which chimes, because it's one of my big problems with what a lot of Peter Singer writes, which actually comes down to disability rights. And I'm close to disability communities, but it, his strong form view means he ends up having to argue for these things, which feel morally really wrong to, Lots of people, in fact, probably a majority of people, but specifically to say within the dis disabled, disability community.
[00:18:38] Rebecca: position's on infanticide, which he recently clarified in an interview, I think, with the New Yorker. We know that he held this position in the past. But he came out and clarified it again. He still holds it. Yeah. The parent who doesn't want the kid under the age of one can kill the kid. I'm slightly, but not very much you
[00:18:56] Ben: know, caricaturing his position, right?
That is the end outcome of the, yeah, of the arguments. But and it's really tortured to get there because it's to do with, as far as I understand it, and I haven't Deeply read all of the underlying papers but almost to do with the personhood of animals So you've come he comes this is the consequentialist thing about you sometimes get to these decisions by seemingly very, tortured things
[00:19:16] Rebecca: Yeah,
[00:19:17] Ben: But in any event, maybe this is a good other good segue as to do you think?
Chat gpt, let's just call them gpt is a good philosopher
[00:19:26] Rebecca: Yeah, I do. Again I'm a philosopher, so I'm gonna want to define the terms good and philosopher. Yeah, okay. I have this general view about the term philosopher, which is that most people either have far too narrow or too expansive a view, to a small set of people, like a relatively big set of people. You're only a philosopher if you're one of the four people working on epistemology or metaphysics at one of three American universities. And then on the expansive view, everyone's a philosopher because we all do, we live, philosophical lives and make philosophical comments.
On some level, Both of those views are correct, but they don't really tell us very much, do they? [00:20:00] If you think of a more, a mid ground position, which is Being a philosopher, doing philosophy, and those things are slightly different is applying a certain kind of approach to thinking about things maybe within also a certain set of questions, within a certain set of topics.
That's the more the kind of approach I'd take to being a philosopher is doing philosophy. Yeah, I think ChatGPT is increasingly a very good philosopher, certainly in terms of philosophical tool or resource that if you are interested in philosophy and you're willing to put in the philosophical work, I think you can, I think you can benefit massively from it.
I do I often talk with ChatGPT about philosophy. I wrote a thing on my sub stack about this recently, which I think some people got a bit of attention, one of the big philosophy blogs. Covered it, got a few funny responses from philosophers, I think probably hadn't read my piece, and also I'd say probably hadn't tried, the later, more pricey version of GPT, which I think is an easily justifiable spend if you've got, if you've got any money.
And I'd say actually, you know, I was talking to a friend about this the other day, I feel a little bit like It's like people who are offered, I don't know, you get this bargain and it's hey, and it is a bargain, hey, for half of your worldly resources, you can live forever. And you're like no, I'm saving my money up for something important.
The idea that you can talk proper philosophy with a text box on your computer is just so incredibly, it's insane. It's incredible. And the idea that you're not willing to like, Spend 200 quid on 200 quid on that, I think, or 200 dollars, I forget what it is now. I'd block it out of my mind.
I don't know, I just don't know what, how do they price stuff? Generally in life, what is their pricing strategy where that's not good spend? Okay, of course, if you're starving and you've got kids to feed, I don't have any kids to feed. I'm fortunate I can afford it.
But affording it means, assigning sufficient value. And why would you not assign a load of value to this thing? Probably, to be fair. It's slightly circular because you haven't tried it. Yeah, I think a load of people are missing a massive trick here. I find it quite funny.
[00:22:00] Ben: It's getting cheaper and it's getting better and it's particularly good if, say, actually, so I don't know, if I ever want to think about what a consequentialist would think, or particularly say, Peter Singer, you ask TPT, it's really good at parsing some, particularly someone who's had quite a lot of public work, like Singer, and really teasing out this is probably what they would say.
And then you have this kind of quite angry conversation with them, which you couldn't say to Pizza Singer's face, but that's very dispassionate about this is because you haven't considered this, it's quite good. And it's interesting someone we both know, Tyler Cowen, the economist also advocates that.
But interestingly, Tyler has said, I don't know if you picked this up, but he claims he's two thirds utilitarian. So you should challenge him on this, whether you can be two thirds anything on this next time next time you speak to him. Actually, maybe that's a good segue. I noticed that you'd read his book The Age of Infavor, or you'd skimmed it.
And I was quite interested because it actually talks a lot about essentially an autistic cognitive profile as well as things like AI and other things like that. And I do wonder whether in the future, things like autism profiles or how we consider disability, or just talking about different mental states or different ways of being will be quite radically different.
And we can already see some signs now, but in where things are going, I had a chat with someone who was. Born deaf now can hear as an actor and it's interesting that they view the kind of cyber technology which enables them to hear Almost as a kind of companion partner. Not quite. It's quite a complex thing, but Interestingly in the same way that you would say you should have respect to insects They think that you should essentially have respect to these call them cyber AI in the sense that it's a part of her life, or we might get to the extent where they are.
I find it's really interesting that I'm often saying please and thank you and actually being quite nice to my GPT, weirdly because I actually think I get better responses, but there is this thing about do you abuse your GPT or are you nice to it. Yeah, so I was wondering, what do you, what did you make of that and what did you make of the Age of
[00:24:05] Rebecca: Yeah, I read some of it over Christmas.
I thought it was excellent. What else? I think so actually on the point around saying please and thank you to the GPT, I think it's, it's good to practice being a good person. This is one of the reasons, so actually I wrote in my substack piece about talking with GPT about philosophy, but I bullied GPT, if that really means anything, to bully something that doesn't have moral status.
It probably doesn't, it's a shorthand, isn't it? But I felt morally dirty afterwards. I was trying to find out if it was a consequentialist, and I was really Again, I'm not sure it counts as being awful if it's a thing you can't can you be awful to a wall? No, you probably can't, but it's good to practice good behavior, and I think I didn't do that there.
So yeah, I think it's, I don't find it weird to say thank you, I do as well, you're right, it probably also has some benefits probably baked into it, and it's probably good if it's baked into it that it responds better if you're polite.
[00:24:55] Ben: But there is something to, like you say, to good behavior even if it's in private
[00:24:59] Rebecca: right, or
[00:24:59] Ben: [00:25:00] you can, you might have a toy model and you bash it up.
But, and obviously, maybe there's no real consequence to the toy model or whatever, but you are modeling, even to yourself,
[00:25:10] Rebecca: a
[00:25:11] Ben: good behavior or not.
[00:25:13] Rebecca: That's right. And I think we do have obligations to ourselves as well. And one of those is to try to. Make ourselves into good people as we can, because it's good for us to be good people.
It's bad to do that stuff. And one of the obligations we have to ourselves is to hold ourselves in check and to try to improve. Yeah cool.
[00:25:28] Ben: A couple more philosophical things, and then we might pivot into some creative things. I noticed you wrote something around artificial wombs, and I've spoken to some young I guess liberal thinkers who are actually quite pro artificial it gets around a lot of the medical complications of biological birth.
I guess this is the sort of far future, although it's starting to happen now, so it's maybe not as far as before. But I was wondering what you thought about artificial wombs and whether some of the thinking about artificial wombs, they also transferred into, Essentially artificial or even AI soldiers and this type of thing about where AI goes But I'm wondering if you still have the same view on artificial wombs as you had has it changed and Whether you'd like to articulate that.
[00:26:12] Rebecca: Yeah, I think my position is something it actually reminds me a little about I guess the third I think I gave you two thing I would wonder if people in the future might look back with some moral I have some deep moral concerns about surrogacy for various reasons. One is, I think, the mere sufficient concern is about the woman who who gives birth to the child.
I worry about the exploitation of women to that end. We know, at least in some places, that women are exploited and used. As vassals or vessels and I have deep concerns about that. I also have concerns about the fetus that becomes the baby being separated from the person who gave birth to it.
Again, there's all kinds of, questions and things, and I'd want to clarify that, that, my position further. But one answer, to the artificial womb question is, it takes that problem away from, in terms of at least the treatment of the woman who gives birth. If you can do that without having that third party.
or whatever number party it'd be. That's one problem seemingly solved. I don't think it takes away the baby problem entirely, because there are questions about what it is to be born of a machine, effectively. In the piece I wrote about this, I took into account, the concerns of both the fetus and also the woman.
And I think there are great benefits on both ends of this kind of technology. Oftentimes the stuff I read or the people I talk to come at it from one point or the other. You get feminist argument, which is, it's better for women not to have to give birth for various reasons, not just, physically because it is brutal and risky, but also points around the opportunities in the labor force, costs, more general costs there are to, to giving birth, to being a mother, taking time out of work and all of those concerns.
But there's also the baby point, which is there are great advantages. In terms of access to health care interventions monitoring of being outside of, being hidden within a woman's womb. Also there are points, my friend Emily made this point when I was writing my piece around the kind of injustices and inequalities that obtain.
when we take into account the behaviours of different pregnant women. You've got pregnant woman A, who's a heavy smoker and drinker goes on rollercoasters. I don't know the effect of going on a rollercoaster on the thesis, but I'm assuming at least later on it's probably bad. And then you've got, woman B, who follows all of the best guidance, some of the guidance I'm sure is rubbish.
It seems like there's going to be some pretty serious costs to the fetus in Woman A. We can get rid of that if we have, if in the world in which we have the artificial womb, which provides all of the things that the fetus needs to develop. There are big questions around how you how you compare those things in terms of particular psychological effects.
What does it really mean to say what does it do to a fetus psychologically to, for them to gestate within the machine? It's very hard to know how to answer a question like that. But I think, generally speaking, it seems to me like there would be vast benefits of this technology coming into play.
I think it's highly likely it will. And I think it's really important we think about the ethical questions now, because once technology is in place new obligations arise. It's getting very hard to say, the fetus of eight weeks, 10 weeks, and now we have the technology to save it, but we shouldn't save it.
People will start saving it. And then you're going to have questions around women wanting to opt into this. And you're going to have to come up with pretty good arguments to say that women shouldn't be able to opt into that. Some of those might well be those resource questions. If this is something that's expected on the National Health Service does it mean that just because it's possible, therefore the taxpayer should spend?
Those are important questions. My point is, think about it now before it becomes possible. Otherwise, a load of these just status quo [00:30:00] problems come into play. It's very hard to wind stuff back once it starts happening. People start to backwards justify just because it happens, you get sunk cost thinking.
Think about it now. Try and work out some, some baseline stuff and we'll be in a much better place. It's also just interesting and fun.
[00:30:19] Ben: Yeah, I think so. I think that we do seem to be a little bit behind where technology is going or is both in AI and in health. Technology and some other things perhaps a pivot into your life.
You ran for being an MP here in the UK. And that I wondered what you learned from that experience. I get the vibe that it's like, Oh my God, never again. And I'd be interested to know like, how, and obviously a lot of people are quite skeptical of like political system and average person on politicians.
Overall so i'd be interested in your experience, was there anything positive to take away? What are the maybe critiques you would take away and how is that? How is that whole experience for you?
[00:31:06] Rebecca: Yeah, I mean look i'm not naturally a joiner. I didn't join a political party until actually so when I was doing masters back in 2008 in london.
I worked for a bit of time as a researcher for an mp It was a tory mp. So I had to join the conservative party to apply for the job I hadn't joined a political party before then I I hadn't got involved in student politics, there's nothing I was less keen to do, I hate all of that stuff. So I'm not naturally, I'm also just generally not naturally a joiner, I don't like organized fun.
I love playing board games and stuff, but the idea of, I don't know A work away day where you're forced to, I just, that's just naturally not me. I think the things I learned from it, yeah, number one, I don't want to be an MP. I have friends who are MPs and I really admire them. I think we need good people to do this.
But the invasion of privacy the stuff around party constraint, so towing the line, not being able to say what you believe. I don't think when I was running I ever said anything I didn't believe. I'm, yeah, I don't know, I'm not very good at doing that apart from anything else. But living with those constraints wasn't something I wanted to do.
Also the party that I ran for the Conservatives has changed a lot since then. Back then in 2015 it was relatively socially and economically liberal. I'm very socially liberal, there are a few parties that match that. I think it's also just like a relatively rare combination to hold probably these days.
[00:32:26] Ben: What's happened to classical liberals? Why,
[00:32:29] Rebecca: Why the I don't know guys where are they? Come join us. Come
[00:32:33] Ben: join us. Was it like from, I guess there's a huge tradition of it, but I guess if you root it in something like John Stuart Mill's time and beyond, you would have thought, oh, and now like diminishing.
I just think, I
[00:32:47] Rebecca: find it for me, I'm just naturally skeptical about anybody trying to tell me what to do, including myself. I think it's not surprising that I adhere to it. As much as I adhere to anything, I'm definitely a, classical liberal. We can, talk about what that means, but.
In terms of the substance that's generally, been the substance of the views of the classical liberal thinkers around free speech, free trade
[00:33:06] Ben: Freedom in general. Concern,
[00:33:07] Rebecca: sorry, say again? Freedom in general, yeah, absolutely. Concern around, the overbearing state trying to tell you how to live your life, rule of law, these, constraints on other people trying to tell you what to do that's just naturally where I lie.
I'm also interested in the kind of, the moral theory aspect of it, how you justify these things, because again, this is consequentialist classical liberals and there's rights based classical liberals. There's interesting stuff about property. I wrote my PhD on moral property rights, largely because I'm naturally a capitalist.
I believe the stuff that it, the system under which we're the most free, it brings about the most good ends. But when you're thinking about, competing claims over stuff that is external to you. Which I see as being a necessary building block of supporting capitalism. It's hard to come up with a non consequentialist argument.
Or at least it's not hard, it's just I was interested in working out what the best justification for that was, because I'm the kind of philosopher who won't just, settle at this stage. I find myself having to go back down to where it begins. But sorry, just to go back to your question about the politics thing.
It left me quite disillusioned. It made me realize that a lot of people in politics, I think are in it for the power. It also, I think, pushed me towards recognizing that what I'm most interested in is just interested in, sorry, is just sitting in a little room reading philosophy books and talking to interesting people like you about philosophy.
The policy stuff and the politics stuff, I think is admirable and necessary, and I think all of us who are interested particularly in political philosophy should do some of that stuff. But for me personally, I like sitting reading Quine. That's just, that's just who I am.
[00:34:42] Ben: Too compromising.
And maybe on that, what is your creative? process. Do you like to read half the day, write half the day? Are you a morning person, evening person? I've asked this out of a lot of creatives, and basically there is no right answer. People who are really good could do it. Early first thing, late first thing, read a lot, [00:35:00] write a lot, anything else.
But I'm just interested in what people do. Do you have a particular process. Do you sit down and write it or
[00:35:08] Rebecca: I don't really, I again, I'm a little anxious around even imposing stuff on myself. Although I, then you get into this kind of circular thing where, I'm not happy unless I write, unless I work.
But if I'm telling myself, I've got to do it at this time, I'm going to, rebel against that. I have, I guess I come to some kind of. Compromise on which there are certain things I'm going to expect that I'm going to do every day, and many of those are things that are going to motivate me or put me in a good, I don't think I need motivation to write, it's basically all I want to do or read.
But I'm aware that you know if I do some exercise, and I listen to the music and I read some fiction. I talk to other people and I go for a walk. I'm gonna be in the right kind of frame of mind, not just to do some writing, but hopefully to do some good writing. I try to make sure I read philosophy every day that isn't related to the stuff I'm working on myself.
I was doing this thing where I read half an hour of classic 20th century, random classic 20th century every day philosophy every day. That was easier when I was living in my own house with all of my books. I then went to America for a few months and I didn't have all my books. If you're living in a house, thousands of philosophy books, you can just take them off the shelf and Oh, today I'm going to read Stawson.
But that was a good practice. I did enjoy that. I wrote like 50, 000 words of notes on stuff that I still go back to. But yeah, so there are certain things I do. I like writing. In the evening and at night, I do read and write at other times as well I read all the time just when I feel like doing it.
I write when I feel like doing it. I guess one principle I have, and as much as I have any about this, is if you feel like writing, go and do some writing. I'm lucky that I mostly, most of the time feel like that, but if I ever feel like very particularly And then, I think, listen to yourself.
Sorry, that's not very Like I say, I constantly have this whole problem about not trying not to, Not too many constraints on yourself. That's fair enough,
[00:36:50] Ben: which is a definite way of doing it. What role does fiction You play in your own creative processes and what role do you think it should play maybe in overall humanities thinking and maybe in particular I noted you read what I have loved and it's interesting that one of the themes, it's multi-layered book but one of the themes is around grief.
So I'm particularly interested in maybe do you think. On something like grief, philosophers have anything to say, and is that a better domain for fiction, or even memoir, or something like that? Multi layered question as to what fiction plays a role in your own thinking. The fact that you blogged about it means that it must play some role.
Does that have any role for philosophy in general, or is it just for you? And how, when fiction seems to derive some real things to dwell on in terms of grief, that Perhaps there's a more powerful way than is that outside the domain of this middle road philosophy?
[00:37:47] Rebecca: Oh man, that's a great question.
Beautiful question. I would say, first of all, I just am obsessed by reading novels. I always have been. I grew up without a TV. My parents, we didn't have a TV until I was about 12 when my brother and I came up with this. We basically persuaded our parents that if we could do the Times Crossword, we would get a TV.
There must be
[00:38:05] Ben: some metaphysics argument for having a TV, right? I think
[00:38:09] Rebecca: We'd already tried all of those. They had to read. Yeah I think this, I don't, I think I'm probably just dispositioning. It's probably just the case I would have already loved reading, but I think it was a very kind, good thing my parents did, because I just became obsessed with reading.
I was, what I always wanted to do, and I love reading fiction. I think it's really important to keep reading fiction. I know a load of people who, when they become adults, read other, don't read fiction anymore. Partly because you feel as if you have interests and obligations to know what's going on in the world, so you prioritise non fiction.
I understand that. I'm anxious around instrumentalizing fiction, although I do think there's a load of instrumental value in it. I find on some level certainly, I also find the same thing with going to the theatre. That when I'm, engrossed in fiction sometimes it helps me do philosophy because I'm forcing myself to not think directly about the philosophy and then sometimes I guess you get that, just that turning over in your mind and maybe you come to some conclusion you wouldn't have done otherwise.
I think it's definitely the case that for some emotional matters, fiction can play a really important part in our life, whether it's as a matter of comfort. So I think, similarly Bertrand Russell has this great point in The Conquest of Happiness, one of his books where he talks about playing games as a way to cope with grief.
I completely think that's right. Again, it's a point I think about being completely engrossed. Probably the same about sport, if you're playing a really vigorous game of tennis, you can't really be overthinking about the awful things in the world. So it's an escapism point, it's a sorry, my computer's just telling me to enter my password, I don't know why, so I'm just going to do that, there we go.
Um, multi levels of value, I feel quite strongly that people who don't spend time reading fiction are really missing out on one of the great things about being human. Which is the capacity to separate out from your daily life, think about other worlds imagine [00:40:00] and also just engage with, certainly the kinds of fiction, I like, which often are.
I guess, quite philosophical, I think, the what I loved is a very philosophical novel. I tend to be less keen on explicitly philosophical novels to when people are trying really hard. And actually there were a few points in that book where I felt maybe she was trying a bit too hard.
But when it's implicit, I really love that. So people like, I don't cut there, I think he's a great philosopher. Except for in the Lives of Animals, which I think is one of his best things. He doesn't really say, Hey, I'm now going to do some philosophy, right? So I really enjoyed the Knausgard. I read the first book recently, and I actually didn't so much the little essays, the more kind of, Hey, I'm now going to give you a philosophical little it's division on, the theory of time or whatever.
What I really liked was the implicit philosophy in the rest of it. So again, like someone like Iris Murdoch, I like her novels, but the bits where she's like explicitly doing philosophy in them. Less keen. So yeah, philosophical topics and ways of thinking about things. I suppose is something I particularly value in fiction, but I just like good novels.
[00:41:02] Ben: Yeah, that's great. Maybe let's do a little bit on thinking about what would be. in a best possible society and then we can wrap up with some quick fire and maybe some current projects and advice. Oh, I love quick fire.
[00:41:13] Rebecca: Sounds good.
[00:41:15] Ben: So on the freedom in the best possible society, I'm interested in art, education, prison.
Maybe disability as well. But in this best possible society, we had a brief conversation on this a few months ago are there still prisons? And I guess, when I look at prisons today, I was looking at some stats, and there was, it's something extraordinary, like 30 to 40 percent of people in the prison population have severe mental challenges.
Call it as an outcome that You know, they've been told they have huge learning difficulties or autism or other things or you're talking about half where If you really think about it that there's something which has really gone badly wrong and there is Then maybe there's a little other half which is a little bit different but you might need some restraints, I guess still in a best possible society if you've got some of these things how does your utopia handle constraint seen through the view of prisons, but I guess any constraint
[00:42:19] Rebecca: Yeah, so I think my view is pretty much that it's not justifiable to put someone in captivity as a form of punishment.
I have a more radical general view, which is around whether punishment is ever justifiable. But if we're talking about putting someone in captivity as punishment, I think my position is that's not. Justifiable. However, that doesn't mean I don't think that it's ever the case that it's justifiable to put someone in captivity, right?
And if you, exactly, and if you think about the reasons why we do people to put people in captivity, so for instance, one of them might be a public health reason. If you come down with this new highly contagious disease but you're refusing to confine yourself to your house. It might be the case that someone wants to lock you up for a bit.
I'm not really passing a judgment on whether that's justifiable, I'm just saying that's, they're not doing it to you to punish you. They might also be wanting to punish you, saying, Hey, Ben, why are you not staying in your house? But that's a separate argument, right? So I think my position is something like, I don't see, even in the best possible world, because I think you'll still have some psychopaths, you'll still have some people who want to do bad stuff, and I don't think the best possible society would be somewhere where you weren't free to choose to do bad stuff, and sadly do bad stuff, therefore we have to think of ways to respond to that wrongdoing.
I can't see it wouldn't be the case that sometimes you need to put people in captivity in order to protect other people. So this is, I think, a self defense argument or a Now, of course, the way that's going to cash out is something like you're going to have these institutions that look like prisons, it's just Rebecca saying that they're not punitive.
However, I do think actually that if prisons weren't intended to punish, then they would look quite different. It'd be much harder, for instance, to I think to defend, certainly I'm not going to use the word justify there, defend some of the really quite vile practices that go on in our prisons at the moment.
I saw there was a report out yesterday from the prison inspectorate, I haven't read it yet, but one of the points that was being made was something around women's access to being able to wash their underwear. You're talking about the most basic human rights necessities of, being able to have access to sanitation and clean living spaces and clean stuff on your body.
The idea of, but of course, the problem is that if you're using a punitive argument for imprisoning people, you're going to say, oh, but if we don't treat them bad, it's not going to be, it's not going to be a prison or people aren't going to want to come to the people that aren't going to want to stay out of the prison.
You've got to find some kind of, whereas if you take the punitive element There's no reason why prisons can't be Places where it's not just that your basic needs are being met, believe me, I think everywhere, that any institution that's going to be a place where someone is spending their time needs to make sure that's the case, it's also going to be like, you [00:45:00] can't have these silly arguments anymore about, oh, those Scandinavian prisons, people get TVs.
Is a separate point. I grew up without a TV. I have views about whether TV is a necessary, preferential. Like I don't have a TV. I'm glad you know what I'm saying.
[00:45:13] Ben: Society with a lot of technology. Yeah. You could be in the equivalent of like almost. Let's say a theme park or a holiday villa.
I think there'd certainly be
[00:45:22] Rebecca: animals, there'd be green spaces, there'd be work opportunities, there'd be education. You'd have, we wouldn't just be talking about meeting basic needs, we'd be talking about it being a valuable place for people to spend time. And once you take the punishment element, that goes away.
But I'm not denying that you'd still have institutions. Again, it might, you might actually be able to take a non institutional approach in which what is effectively house arrest becomes, but again, there's going to be all kinds of resource allocation questions around this. So yes, my assumption is that Utopia, or is my working conclusion at the moment is that yes, people are put in captivity.
[00:45:57] Ben: For doing bad stuff, or,
[00:45:59] Rebecca: but it's a different justification, yeah.
[00:46:01] Ben: In this best possible society, do you still have schools? Would a government ever set a curriculum? Is there a basic amount of knowledge that you think a best possible society should have as a base? Or, if you take more, in fact you have it today.
I'm very sympathetic to the unschool movement of letting people do that. I still think knowledge is really important, but what knowledge someone Should want to seek is much more debatable as to whether anyone I guess you could say parents included But I guess another thing but at least best possible society.
Do we still have schools? How is education handled?
[00:46:38] Rebecca: I think like we all have and not just parents have a serious obligation to ensure that kids get educated and One one one thing that I think I saw in a friend about this the other day and they're like, oh that's very illiberal of you because I said something like Children shouldn't get to choose most of the stuff.
That doesn't mean children shouldn't get to choose any stuff, right? But children shouldn't get to choose what the things are that they learn. That doesn't mean at the edges that they, their interests can't be satisfied, that those things can't govern some of the stuff they study. But as adults, one of the things we're obligated to think about is, what is it, what are the kinds of knowledge and skills, ways of, becoming better reasoning creatures?
How is it that we can inculcate those capacities in children. I'm not convinced that, I'm certainly not convinced that our current school system does a very good job of that. I didn't like school. I have a lot of sympathy for the school is prison argument. My I'm not really fully convinced that the answer though is, everyone's homeschooled partly because everyone is good at homeschooling their kids.
I have anxieties around Kids effectively being indoctrinated by people with very strong views about things. I certainly don't want the state going around telling people not to tell their kids stuff. But I think one important role at the moment that is incentivized by schools is giving kids access to other ways of thinking.
So if you've got a kid who's brought up in a religious household when they go to school they learn about other ways of seeing the world. Kids are, because they're not fully reasoning creatures, are very open, they're very persuadable. It can be indoctrinated very easily. I'm not, that's not a comment about religion generally or any particular religion, it's just a point that I think, again, because we all have obligations to kids we need to make sure that kids have access to different viewpoints and also to certain kinds of knowledge.
So if a kid gets 18 and doesn't, I don't know that there's gravity, or know that there are other countries in the world, there's a whole load of substance. That every kid has the right to know about, because it's important stuff. Sometimes there's some truth arguments about this, but some of it is just because it's established knowledge.
If it's the case that the established knowledge is that there's gravity, the kid has the, the right to know about that. I'm happy to make those kinds of arguments about this, those kinds of arguments. How you actually do it, whether, the state should be determining a curriculum, I want to have that stuff done as locally as possible.
But there is definitely a role for, um. Hard fact here.
[00:49:03] Ben: Yeah, and rights and obligations. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. And then last one on this one is, do you think your best possible society has more art and more fiction, more theater or? Less or is it actually it's up to that society to decide so it's very hard to tell
[00:49:20] Rebecca: yeah this is a great question I wrote a paper about this which will become a chapter in my book, which is basically around this problem of If you just let the people determine what the culture should be the culture might be really bad And if you don't know the culture like if you don't know about Mozart, you're hardly gonna push for Mozart this is a difficult problem in terms of how much spend there should be, what the obligation on the taxpayer is.
How much preference should play a role in this? Are there, objectively good cultural things that everyone should know about? I have an argument which is something like, again, it's like a right to the opportunity to know certain things. And I think you can use an argument like that which kind of bypasses the objective subjective value [00:50:00] point.
Which is something like it's the case that some particular opera is established knowledge is that this is good in these particular ways and people know about it has cultural significance, then I think it's wrong to deny someone the opportunity to know about that. The Truman Show world in which you're kept in the bubble and you don't have awareness of things that are going on in the world is bad for various reasons.
One, because you can't play a cultural part in it. One, because if you don't have awareness of it, you can't know that you might like it. I think those kinds of arguments can bypass some of those much more difficult should be people just get what they want kind of argument. I don't know whether there'd be more.
I generally think that more is the way to count these things. Would there be a diverse and interesting cultural mix in Utopia? Yes. I'm not sure it would be Utopia if not. How you get to that though, what the process is. what the institutional arrangements are. I don't have a good answer for you yet, but hopefully I'll get one.
My guess is probably something a little bit like, I think Rawls says something like, in the realistic utopia I don't know something like it takes some time for for people to start being just to one another because they're suddenly now experiencing more just institutions or something like that.
I'm paraphrasing badly. My guess is that over time, when you have all these other advantages, so my conception of utopia is one where people have much more of a purchase on decision making, so decision making is much more decentralized. I think when you are being treated like a reasoning creature with the right to make decisions about your own life, I think that has other advantages.
And my guess is that one of those advantages is also maybe valuing a diversity of cultural goods. That's probably a bit of a stretch, but I think I could make that argument. Also maybe if I don't know, maybe you have access to more resources, you have more disposable income. Because I think the nearby possible world is one where there's much less scarcity of goods.
I think a world in which the state is less intrusive. You have more freedom to determine what the good life is for yourself. I have a naturally positive view about humankind, that we're naturally Good, most of us, but also that we're inquisitive. So again, I think probably you'd see a morality of cultural goods
[00:52:18] Ben: Is health care a universal right in this utopia?
Are we wealthy enough that there is no resource constraint or I guess it depends if you're really wealthy then you probably get there. But I guess in the realistic utopia, there may be still other resource constraints. There's always going
[00:52:35] Rebecca: to be, yeah, there's always going to be constraint, like number of doctors and nurses time to do operations.
[00:52:41] Ben: do you think universal healthcare is better than let's say the US model of private insurance? I very simplified something, which is quite complicated, but
[00:52:48] Rebecca: I generally think like mixed models are pretty good. I, it frustrates me when, if you criticize the NHS, people assume you want the American model.
I think America has pretty high spend also. I think there are two questions. One is how the goods are allocated. One is how you pay for it. I'm a hardcore believer in like a pretty generous social minimum. And by that, if people genuinely can't provide for themselves to meet their basic needs references to, we can, draw the line where that, you know, where that cuts in different ways.
Then I think we should, um, we should help those people. Again, there are all kinds of questions about how you do that, what the mechanisms are, what that counts as, what their role in contributing is generally I think like mixed payment. Models on a social minimum is the answer a world with fewer resource constraints Although like I say, you're still going to have the people constraint.
I think could look much better I dislike the way we do it in the uk partly because I think it has dreadful outcomes Just look actually to return to the women's healthcare thing our Maternity statistics are atrocious, on any count. They're still better than
[00:53:52] Ben: the US, though. No bar,
[00:53:55] Rebecca: no bar, man! Right?
[00:53:56] Ben: That's true, but I think we are worse, if I look correctly, than Slovenia and Slovakia.
[00:54:02] Rebecca: I think they're probably the only European countries, though. Like France, Italy, Scandinavia. Plus it's not just a relative thing. There's going to be some absolute requirement here. And I don't think any country in the world is meeting that absolute requirement, partly because I think people don't take sufficiently women's pain into account.
There is still this kind of naturalistic fallacy argument on which it's good for women to feel pain during childbirth or something which I really dislike. I saw a good piece the other day about how women in France have much better access to epidurals and stuff. And again, it's partly cultural.
Cultural thing, but there's a
[00:54:35] Ben: lot of there's a lot of cultural thing. There's actually a lot doctors themselves or Technocratic value of pain. Yeah does not match the Call it the patient or the consumer value of pain So this is one of the things because pain in itself like will you go through a painful episode?
But if you're cured at the end, so this is Partly the utilitarian problem that while you're killed, it didn't matter that you went through a lot of pain because you're cured at the end of it. [00:55:00]
[00:55:00] Rebecca: It's like the argument is hey, the person is dead. It doesn't matter that they suffered. Yeah,
[00:55:05] Ben: or even the person is alive.
It doesn't matter that they suffered because they're alive. Yeah
[00:55:10] Rebecca: right,
[00:55:10] Ben: great. So maybe let's do some quick fire. Cool, go for it. Underrated, overrated, and then we'll finish off with a couple of questions. Okay. I'll try and do some of these. You can pass underrated, overrated, or maybe neutral rated, or you could say more or less.
So we'll do a segue one. Underrated or overrated, universal basic income?
[00:55:31] Rebecca: Probably overrated, just because a lot of people are obsessed by it. But I think it's a depending on how you, what you, what do you take it to mean? It's if you just take it as a social minimum type thing, but probably overrated just in terms of too
[00:55:46] Ben: many people on about it social media, overrated, underrated,
[00:55:51] Rebecca: underrated, at least the good types.
Twitter, for instance massively underrated. People love to hate on Twitter. I've met like loads of interesting people, work opportunities, make friends through it. Great.
[00:56:01] Ben: Great. Great. Phil,
[00:56:03] Rebecca: If you filter well. It's incredibly valuable.
[00:56:07] Ben: Equality, underrated, overrated?
[00:56:11] Rebecca: Depends on what you count as equality, right?
In terms of like basic equality of respect massively underrated. Probably the most important concept in morality. If you're talking about, equal distribution of goods, then definitely overrated.
[00:56:27] Ben: Fair enough. Although that's interesting because then I was going to put freedom, but I guess you probably don't you don't rank things like between equality and freedom because you put those very important, but I'm guessing on freedom underrated or overrated, you'd probably still say it's underrated today.
[00:56:41] Rebecca: Yeah, freedom is so important. I think freedom is, we have all of these like denuded understandings of freedom that go around. Whether it's people thinking, freedom is how many, machine guns you can have, or whether people think freedom is trading away political rights for economic goods I think, I also want to make a distinction between the ontological sense of what it is to do something freely and what the moral value of having that capacity is.
I think though generally philosophical theories and particularly theories of value massively underrate freedom. That's the point about my Utopia book to be honest. Like where does freedom sit within the theory of the good? And I think people I hate people who are underrated.
[00:57:20] Ben: Great. So we're speaking, I'm in London at the moment, and you're in Spain, so I think this might be obvious, but underrated, overrated, travel.
[00:57:28] Rebecca: Oh, I love travel. Particularly train travel. Trains are massively underrated because they couldn't not be, because they're so great.
[00:57:35] Ben: Yeah, that's fair.
[00:57:36] Rebecca: I also find as a, again, like a kind of aid to being productive. I love working on trains. I love, working in new places. It's inspiring and fun and.
[00:57:48] Ben: that was great. Great how about so we talked a lot about respects i'm going to assume that's still underrated But what about the concept of honor? I guess we've got all of these Aristotelian or other values, but maybe honor do you think it's underrated overrated?
[00:58:03] Rebecca: I mean i'm gonna ask you what you mean by honor if you want to I mean if you're talking about Sorry, isn't very important answer.
If you're talking about honoring somebody for doing something good, then it's probably a good thing. If you're talking about honoring somebody for doing something bad, then no, but maybe that doesn't count as honor. I get a little anxious around, all these kinds of traditional values, like being patriotic, being honorable, being deferential.
Um, I think they rub up against my sense in which I don't want people interfering in me. I also think pride is something I have a bit of a, anxious relation with. So yeah, I'm just gonna say it totally depends on what you mean. Sorry.
[00:58:46] Ben: That's good. Good philosopher answer.
Okay, that's great. So last couple of questions. So if you could then. Choose one thing to change about the UK. I guess you could either do policy if you want to be practical or some philosophical or other concept that you think that is really underrated and we should really embed within UK thinking.
I guess we didn't talk about the centralized, decentralized thing, but I think people have picked up, you're not a fan of centralization and would want more localism, but yeah, if there's one thing you could either change in the world or maybe the UK, either policy or thought that you would embed what would it be?
[00:59:21] Rebecca: I put some brakes on the assisted dying stuff. It's being pushed through very quickly. I have I don't, I'm opposed to it substantively, but I think the process at the moment is very concerning. And I don't actually think it helps people on the side of, making arguments for it. I think it's counterproductive.
The process shows, it may just be the case that the process itself is bad, and we need to change the process. It may be that the process is being misused. Beyond that, yeah, I just think. some fiscal decentralization, the decoupling of revenue raising and spending at the local level. The UK is a massive, particularly England is a massive outlier here.
And that's not an argument itself, because maybe it's the case that [01:00:00] other places do too much of it. But I think it's disrespectful to people in the sense that I think it's not just that Fiscal decentralization brings about better ends, matching, local needs and preferences with decision making, whatever, competition innovation, specialization.
It's also you've got the right to make decisions about stuff around about you, and that's been taken away from local people. Easy change, just, yeah, start with some housing stuff or whatever, property taxes, and get the ball rolling.
[01:00:29] Ben: Easy. That makes sense. I'm generally in favour of that. The one big exception is I don't know what you do about big infrastructure.
Because no one wants If you want a wind farm, no one wants wind farms next to them.
[01:00:42] Rebecca: I love wind farms so much. I'm such a fan of the wind Oh man, I saw some really beautiful ones on the train line. If you ask most people, they don't want wind
[01:00:49] Ben: farms. But maybe that's where they've got to make a stronger argument for it, but things like wind farms, The
[01:00:53] Rebecca: aesthetic argument for wind turbines, both onshore and offshore, I think, is It's not, it's been underdone.
I would do that. I'd be the wind farm czar.
[01:01:02] Ben: Or many nuclear power or something. I was thinking about the assisted dying debate. It does strike me that I wonder whether the private members bill route, this is a really peculiar UK thing. So listeners, but I do wonder whether that's actually something we need to just.
Yes, and do other processes. It's not that, for instance, the U. S. has got some really weird esoteric processes, which they should definitely nix if they could. They can't because it's entrenched in their system, but it strikes me that this was under debated under or from all sides and that and partly because they tried to push it through this.
[01:01:36] Rebecca: 100%. And I think you're right. I think it does bring up questions about the PNB thing, which already is a little bit of a joke, a bit like the EDM thing. Some, some of these routes are a little bit of a joke, to be honest. And I mean that in the sense of that's what the consensus view within Westminster, again, that might be a bad view, but that is not a consensus view within the rest of the country.
So you already, you've got a Yeah. Transparency. There's these technocratic
[01:01:59] Ben: things. Whenever you have these things about people have to sit up and speak for a set amount of time to do these things. You have it in the US as well. It's if you can stand there for six hours or something, you can run down the session by weird, sheer dint of willpower.
I'm not sure the ability to stand for six hours should be the measure that we debate these things on. Something's
[01:02:19] Rebecca: going wrong there, isn't it? It's like your point about Peter Singer. If your argument comes to the conclusion that you have to. Be in favor of killing the baby. Something's gone wrong, guys.
[01:02:29] Ben: Anyway, okay, so I'll end up with would you like to highlight any current projects or thoughts that you're working on? Obviously there's this book around freedom, but anything else you'd like to mention?
[01:02:39] Rebecca: Yeah, so the book, read the book, although I've got to write the book, but I'm doing an inter intellect series on it.
So if anybody's interested in coming along once a month online, that should be fun. I'm enjoying writing my sub stack. I'm writing a piece at the moment about the meaning of life. Cause I think it's funny that almost everybody makes this joke about, Oh, what do philosophers think about the meaning of life yet?
Of all the many philosophers I've met, I don't think I've ever met a philosopher working on the meaning of life. I thought it was funny. I'm waiting on a visa to go to But they do work on the good life
[01:03:06] Ben: sometimes.
[01:03:06] Rebecca: Yes, they do, but I think So yes, that's right. Of course, the philosopher's answer is Oh, but maybe not explicitly answering that question.
I'm waiting on a visa to go to America for a couple of years. I've got an exciting new job I'm very happy about. Yes, good things ahead, I hope.
[01:03:21] Ben: And let's end with any life advice, career advice, philosophical advice that you might have for people. I've already picked up, if you don't want to compromise very much, definitely don't want to go and be a politician so that's one one thing but yeah, any other thoughts that you might have, maybe for people who want to follow?
A life within philosophy or political economy thinking or just generally some things that you thought about How you got to where you got to today
[01:03:49] Rebecca: think hard about what the norms are that you follow like unthinkingly I think and maybe this is a just an interest in freedom thing I think all of us do things just because that's the way people around us do those things at the worst that leads us to doing really bad things At the best, it probably just means you're not getting as much fulfillment out of life as you might.
There are many ways to live a good life, and it's for you to work that out for yourself, because you're the only person who can have any systemic access to that. I think in a good life, you spend your whole life working that out. You probably do a plurality of valuable things but the life in which you just follow the crowd, not because.
And I'm not, I don't want to, make a kind of moral criticism of that. I just think it's very easy to do stuff just because. It's what you do, or what other people around you do. Keep questioning that. Again, all I can do is answer for me, but I find myself happier when I stop and think, am I really happy doing this thing?
I often ask myself this question, particularly if I feel frustrated or annoyed. I'm having a bad day, or I think, why do I have to do this thing? Whatever it's to [01:05:00] do with some obligation. I stop and think, what's the counterfactual, what is it I would rather be doing?
And sometimes it's just hey, I just don't want to have to go to this meeting, in which case maybe I just should go to the meeting in some instances. But sometimes it's no, maybe I should be living in another country or maybe I should be writing about different stuff. So think about the counterfactual, is my answer.
[01:05:21] Ben: Yeah, that's really good advice. Just think about the norms that you just follow, maybe because you've always followed, and check whether they are still what you want to do. I do, want to have one follow up on that. So apart from stopping and thinking, or maybe even asking chat TPT, is there a good way of doing that?
Because sometimes you don't really know that you do things like you've always done. And you might not be challenged about it. I may have always eaten meat for a huge amount of time and it's quite hard to, you never get the external trigger. I guess this is your point about indoctrinated thinking about children when they don't meet those different ways of thought.
Is there a good way of snapping yourself out of it?
[01:06:00] Rebecca: That's an excellent question. I don't know. So two things, one in terms of how you work out what the things are, you just do an audit of what the things are you do in your day. I'm a big believer that you could always find a little bit of time to do something you want to do.
So I do 10 minutes of exercises a day and go for a 10 minute run because I can't really say I don't have 10 minutes. I find that's really valuable to me in so many ways. So yeah, just one way to work out whether you're doing stuff just because you do it is to think about what the things are that you do.
[01:06:32] Rebecca: Then how you assess the value of them is difficult, isn't it, right? You want to be thinking about it in terms of whether it's good for you, whether it's good for the people around you. Whether you enjoy it, but that can't be sufficient, because sometimes you enjoy bad stuff and you shouldn't.
Being aware of, how it interacts with basic values, so I'm a big value pluralist. Is this furthering freedom? Is it furthering justice? That sounds like a very fellow affair arrogant philosopher's answer or something. But thinking about how your life interacts with basic values, thinking about what those values are.
Thinking maybe something like, the domains in which you want to succeed or you want to offer something. What are the things that if you, when you die, you'll be sad you didn't do, hadn't done. And there are always these like flippant answers to that, Oh you'll never, you'll never wish you'd gone to another meeting.
You'd wish you'd spent more time with your kids. No! Maybe there are some meetings that you would wish you had done. Maybe you don't want to have kids. I don't want to have kids. I don't want to have kids just because I don't have the instinct to, and I don't think you should if you don't want to. But also I think a lot of people have kids just because they think they should.
That's not to say having kids isn't a good thing. I think it's for many people the most valuable thing they do in many ways. But yeah, think about just what a good life is, and what the things are you think are sufficient for a good life. The things that are necessary, so if you haven't done X and Y, you haven't led a good life.
Or if you have done X and Y, you haven't. If you've murdered somebody, it's gonna be hard to argue you've led a good life. You might do some good stuff. And then what's sufficient? What is going to be the thing? Like I say, for many people, having brought another human being into the world and loved it and made it, set it on the route to being fulfilled itself is a sufficiently good thing to say that you've had a good life.
What are the other options on that? So, there are some easy answers like, Hey, I cured polio, or I wrote the world's greatest novel, although some people might think that isn't a sufficient one. That's, I think, for me, a really big and important question that we should all think about explicitly.
I think we do think about it implicitly. But one of the great things about being a human is being able to reflect on these things and reason about them. And I think if we don't do that, we're really missing out on something that is it's not just part of us, but it's also something that we have the capacity to build on I think that's my answer.
Ben: That sounds great yeah, think about your norms and think about what it is to have a good life. So with that Rebecca Thank you very much.
[01:08:56] Rebecca: Thanks so much Ben. I really enjoyed it